nestled amidst the enchanting landscapes of bhugaon, serenora emerges as a residential haven, beckoning seekers of refined living to indulge in the epitome of elegance. this celestial real estate project unveils a collection of two and three-bedroom abodes, adorned with the promise of a luxurious lifestyle.
Nestled along the Western Metropolitan Corridor of Pune, Bavdhan's strategic location off the Mumbai-Bangalore national highway and close proximity to the Mumbai-Pune expressway make it a convenient choice for commuters. The Shivajinagar railway station is only 10 km away, while the Pune Junction railway station and Pune airport are within a 45-minute drive, providing easy accessibility.
Bavdhan's central district, known as Chandani Chowk, is bordered by Pashan to the north, Bhugaon vi; Explore